Father’s Day…let’s be real

Enjoy Father's Day with Family
When kids try to make a cake for you
Middle-aged Men Lifestyle in California
Father's day with the fellas...cheers!

Father’s Day, a day to honor all father’s…those who passed, are present and soon to be. Where our children along with our wives shows their appreciation as a provider, protector, handy man, problem solver, resource for information,….


I’m married for 21 years and have a 13-year-old daughter who will soon be 14. Let’s be real, us fathers and especially the fathers who are the sole income source for the family are basically buying ourselves the gifts, flowers, dinner, etc. But what is it that we fathers really are looking for?… peace of mind.

Peace of mind to let us do what we want and hang out with our buddies and other fathers to share our stories and to be honest, some venting. There’s no perfect family, and we fathers need to release some tension. We fathers with a rational mind also have to be mediators of reason, wisdom, and alternative perspectives of views. We fathers also have to be a rock to hold family together to show strength, confidence, be fearless, reliable, dependable, handy around the house, basic auto mechanic to check tires, fluids, filters, wipers, etc. We are educators; helping our kids with their schoolwork, health, security awareness, planning ahead, finances and the value of money, investing in their own future, understanding what’s right vs wrong, make smart decisions, learn about life – patience, respect of others, how to earn respect, time management, responsibility, accountability, commitment, keeping a promise, and trustworthiness.

Yes, there are also strong wives out there who understand us and know how to keep a family together, I give them credit. But let’s face it, like the book; “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”, many don’t. With emotions over waying on them, understandably, we fathers have to be rational and levelheaded and be all that was mentioned above and then some.

For me with a household of females, I don’t want any emotional drama or nagging leading to Father’s Day. But just want the respect and serenity, and wishful to hang out with the fellas over some Whiskey or other libations, BBQ, watch sports and conversation. I don’t need a gift or card, but just the appreciation what we do as fathers and must deal with…at least what I have to deal with. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family and would do anything for them, but we fathers need time to ourselves and with friends to release some tension with everyday life with the stress from work, family, and our environment especially this day and age.

For me and perhaps some of you, this would be the Father’s Day we would enjoy.

Gentlemen, let’s keep it real… let’s eat and drink to our heart’s content! And if holding a beer in your left hand and your right hand tucked in your waistband, so be it…enjoy!

Happy Father’s Day and cheers to us fathers!

~ Mr. Whiskey