Coffee & Whiskey™

The Chronicles of men over their 40’s…

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New Blog

Mother’s Day – “I’m a Survivor”

Since Mother’s Day is approaching, I thought I would dedicate a piece to the moms. Yes! Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms around the world. Thank you for carrying us for 9 months and raising us with love to our adulthood. Without the moms, we would not have a world. In a Coffee & Whiskey fashion, I would like to pay a special tribute to Asian Mothers. Asian moms are very funny and unique individuals compared to ...


The Savvy Traveler

The Savvy Traveler

Traveling is probably one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself. You will get to enjoy the different cultures, fashion, food, trends, and most of all the great people of that country. Making the trip whether business or pleasure you will need to be ready for everything the trip throws at you. Here I want to share my Do’s and Don'ts with my endeavors in Japan.


My Chef's Knife...

Just like a Katana blade was the soul of the samurai, A Japanese knife is the soul of its rightful owner and chef. The chef’s knife is the representation of the past, present and future of his or her culinary endeavors.

Blog of the Month

A Man's Reflection...

I think there comes a time when a man reflects on himself. Everyday a man looks at himself in the mirror , But…does he really see himself? Or just a mere reflection of himself. Every man should really ask themselves … Do you really know yourself? One day I was shaving in the morning...

Disclaimer: Our blogs reflects our own personal experiences and opinions, and is for entertainment purposes.  It is not to make insult or have judgement of anyone regardless of age, sex, race, culture, religion or beliefs.

Mr. Coffee


“Like with whiskey, it gets better with age. Just like us men in their 40's and over...”

Mr. Coffee & Mr. Whiskey

Mr. Whiskey


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